


when a picture originally in black and white is changed to color as if I were originally in color (just look this one up in google: colorized memes


when a picture originally in black and white is changed to color as if I were originally in color (just look this one up in google: colorized memes

Colorized History

Colorized History are historical black and white images that have been colorized using image manipulation software.

Fake History

Fake History is an image macro series featuring photographs and screenshots of various people and fictional characters accompanied by false historical ...


A meme (/miːm/; MEEM) is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic ...

What is a meme – and how do I use them?

2023年7月21日 — The term meme comes from the Greek word mimema, meaning “imitated”. While some might think it's pronounced me-me, it is actually pronounced meem ...

What is the origin of the "X (colorized)" meme?

2018年4月10日 — Its based off historians taking old, black and white pictures from the past and digitally altering them to have color.

What's the meaning of "20xx, colorized" in memes?

2018年10月10日 — Its mocking of historical photos like ones from the war and how sometimes people digitally colour them etc. like hitlers bunker, 1945, ...